Natural Portrait of a Dear Friend… Meet Emma

Another portrait of another dear friend today. Meet Emma. These beautiful and natural portraits truly represent who Emma is and how Emma has been raised. While I grew up in junk-food haven; Emma, who was down the road, grew up in a Macrobiotic home. Her fridge, which I plan on documenting, looks like a science project. While her mother’s views of the world were once a bizarre mystery to me I now find fascinating.

Macrobiotic is a dietary practice which involves eating whole grains, local vegetables and focuses on how the food is prepared and stored. It is a practice that dates back to the late 1800 but in this day in age it’s rare to come across someone who has devoted their life to this regime. Emma’s mother has done so and raised 4 beautiful children who have taken parts of this discipline into their own lives. Emma is a certified Yoga instructor and studying nutrition to become a Dietitian.

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