Hong Kong Part IV – Beach Communities and a Horse Race

Here is a post from one incredible day on Hong Kong Island. This first Pano is from Cath’s balcony (Cath from the previous post). Can you imagine waking up to this view everyday? It’s breathtaking. Cath broutht me to Big Wave Bay, which you will see is not ably named, and then to Shek-O, a popular beach destination on the island. Even though Hong Kong Harbour is one of the busiest shipping ports in the world little pollution travels to the south side of the island because of the way the currents move. It’s pretty remarkable to have such a dense and busy city with these special spots so close by (nonetheless on the same small island). Big Wave Bay. Watch out! Boards to rip.Another little beach community, closer to Shek-O than Big Wave.There were three of these little ones, all with pink ribbons all over their bodies.Notice the badass running shoes.My sister’s favorite bar. I think there might be a photo of her on the wall 🙂 I need to send this to them. #BrooklynBeer
I love the colors of the buildings and houses on the south side of the island.
Little tail-less stray cat.I didn’t make a lot of friends here.Shek-O Beach. Possibly my favorite photograph from the day.I believe she got salt water in her eyes.It’s not a forrest fire but a massive grill session at the beachside restaurant. LOVED these guys! Horse-Race!! I bet on 5, my mom on 10. It looks like 5 won…But it didn’t. 🙁 

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