A San Miguel de Allende Wedding Renewal… Meet Christie & Wiley

Christie and Wiley celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary on New by renewing their vows in their temporary and beloved new home, San Miguel de Allende. The “newlyweds” are no strangers to renewing their vows, having done so at the 5 year and 10 year mark. Christie is a wonderful writer, the blog post she did entitled “My Big Fat Mexican Wedding” can be seen here. The celebration included new and old friends- ex-pats, Mexicans and friends from the states celebrated the wonderful love these two share for one another. The couple left no stone unturned and hired a Mariachi Band, classic mexican mojigangas (the large walking puppets) and a tequila donkey. There was traditional Pozole soup and tequila for days! Views of the Parroquia was a perfect way to commence the ceremony and celebrate into the morning — after marching uphill from the town’s center and the Parroquia only an hour prior to the ceremony. This was my first wedding related shoot in San Miguel de Allende. I will be always be grateful to Christie and Wiley for allowing me into their special celebration.

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